Coca-Cola, kent as Coke an aw, is a carbonatit, sweetened saft drink that is selt in maist kintras, an is the warld's best-sellin saft drink. The Coca-Cola Company threaps that the beverage is selt in mair nor 200 kintras. The company's heidquarters are in Atlanta, Georgie. Category:Coca-Cola - Wikimedia Commons This category covers the soft drink called "Coca-Cola" (both original and derivative versions) and related products/events. For media related to the parent company and their other (non-Coke branded) products, see Category:The Coca-Cola Company. Coca-Cola - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Coca-Cola, is a carbonated, sweetened soft drink and is the world's best-selling drink.A popular nickname for Coca-Cola is Coke. The Coca-Cola Company claims that the beverage is sold in more than 200 countries. The company's headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia.Coca-Cola's main rival is Pepsi because of the similar taste of their main product. Coca-Cola has 7 cubes of sugar, whereas Pepsi has Coca - Wikipedia Coca is known throughout the world for its psychoactive alkaloid, cocaine. The alkaloid content of coca leaves is relatively low, between 0.25% and 0.77%. The native people use it as a stimulant. Coca-Cola used coca leaf extract in its products from 1885 and until about 1903.
Coca-Cola is a sponsored Omake between Coca-Cola and Kodansha. This time, it is Hiro Mashima's turn to incorporate it into an original story featuring the characters of Fairy Tail. Natsu and Happy come to Lucy's house to play with her but Lucy tells them that she will play with them after her Coca-Cola® Deutsch Wikipedia. Coca-Cola C2 — Type Diet soda Manufacturer Coca Cola Company Country of origin Japan Introduced … Wikipedia. Coca-Cola — Cola; Coke * * * Coca Cola Das braune, süße, kohlensäure und koffeinhaltige Getränk, das ein amerikanischer Apotheker im Jahre 1886 als Anregungsmittel entwickelt hatte, trat schon nach wenigen Coca-Cola - Shop for Coca-Cola in Soda Pop. Buy products such as Coca-Cola Soda, 12 Fl. Oz., 24 Count, Coca-Cola Soda, 1 L at Walmart and save. Cola – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Vita:Coca-Cola – Wikipédia a nap minden másodpercében 8000 Coca-Cola üdítőt vásárolnak; 5 Coca-Cola reklámdal lett már listavezető az európai slágerlistákon; a világ legnagyobb Coca-Cola jelét Aricában, Chilében építették fel. A jel az El Hacha hegyen található, 400 láb széles, 118 láb magas és 70 000 db 0,7 literes üvegből készült Coca-Cola Polska - YouTube Oficjalny kanał Coca-Cola Polska Wystarczy jeden łyk by uwolnić radość! #TasteTheFeeling Obserwuj nas także na Facebooku, Instagramie, Twitterze i Snapchacie The Coca Cola History Documentary - YouTube Dec 24, 2014 · It was 1886, and in New York Harbour, workers were constructing the Statue of Liberty. Eight hundred miles away, another great American symbol was about to …
Vita:A Coca-Cola Company védjegyeinek listája – Wikipédia
Coca-Cola - Wikipedia Coca-Cola ye una bebida con gas. Ye una de les marques comerciales más identificable y comercializada, disponible en más de 200 países, siendo por tanto'l refrescu más vendíu en toos estos países menos en tres d'ellos. Les oficines centrales de la compañía (The Coca-Cola Company) tán n'Atlanta, nos Estaos Xuníos. Coca-Cola © 2019 The Coca-Cola Company, all rights reserved. COCA-COLA®, "TASTE THE FEELING", and the Contour Bottle are trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company. The Coca-Cola Company - More than a Beverage Company